Saturday, November 2, 2013

Visualize Results, Not Possibilities

Dreams. They get to the heart of what defines us and reveal our deepest desires. If we took some time to examine our dreams, we might be guided in our choices. I often think of my dreams: go to graduate school, get a good paying job, get married, have kids, and live in a nice home. Are my dreams really what I want though, or are they mindless pursuits? I never considered this before and decided to take some time to really envision my direction. What good is reaching a goal if it was never part of what your soul really desired?

I escaped to my home in northern Michigan this weekend because I reached an ultimate peak of freakout! With exams, finishing my research paper, and starting the graduate school application process, I was experiencing burnout. I needed time to get away and reflect - being home is the best place for that. I took some time to feel my inner desires and know that I was heading in the right direction by dreaming.

How you get so fly?...
from not being afraid to fall out the sky.
-Jay-Z, "Beach Chair"

I love this quote! By taking chances and not being afraid to dream, we can unlock the deepest musings of our soul. We need to visualize results, not possibilities. Think of possibilities as foreplay - how would you like it if you never got further than that? We need to visualize the end results! And maybe when we do that, we will realize some of our dreams don't feel right, and that is okay. Actually, that is better than okay. That allows us to shift our direction towards what we really want to get out of our journey. 

Once we know our dreams, we need to share them! We often keep them to ourselves, but through sharing them, they will become more real and attainable. I challenge you to ask someone what their big dream is this week. Read on so I can share mine with you.

What are my dreams?

My dream is to operate a business empire to shift our idea of healthcare from treatment based to preventative based by stressing fitness and nutrition.
     ...I want this dream because I want healthy lifestyles easily accessible for people.

My dream is to have a relationship based on love and friendship with my soul mate somewhere out there.
     ...I want this dream because I deserve to find my soul mate.

My dream is to have my own or adopt kids.
     ...I want this dream because I want to have that connection parents have and impact a child's life.

My dream is to travel the world and see different cultures through my own eyes instead of through reading or television.
     ...I want this dream because I believe there is so much to be learned from people who are different from you.

My dream is to fight for equality and fairness, break down stereotypes, and make changes for those who are oppressed.
     ...I want this dream because I know what it is like to belong to a marginalized group and I want to see it changed.