Thursday, August 29, 2013

Cashing In On My Superpowers

"Just because you can, doesn't mean you should."
-Danielle Laporte

Creating success on my own terms starts with declaring my superpowers - cashing in on what comes naturally to me! I want to make money in a career where making money seems silly because I love it so much. I don't want to be well rounded - I want to shine in what make me truly happy, what sparks my inner passion fire and keeps it burning bright. I am competent in countless subjects and activities, but just because I am good at something, does not mean that I should make a career out of it. 

I want to ignite a burning passion in others as I have experienced myself!

Who am I trying to impress? 

     I am always trying to impress people close to me because I want them to be proud of my accomplishments. I am starting to feel though that if they are not impressed with what I make out of my life, it does not matter. Its my life anyways - they are not living it!

What do I have to force myself to do?

     Finishing my neuroscience major - two semesters to go. It is not the subject for me.

What would I like to never, ever do again?

     Close myself off from the world - I want to shine with who I truly am! This might be harsh, but I also don't want to be stuck in research lab for the rest of my life - no matter how interesting the research, I want to have more personal contact with people and use my knowledge and experiences to better their lives.

I am ready for my passion to move me in the direction of my true self. You know, I feel amazing when I can help people improve their lives, specifically with life goals, encouragement, finding strengths, fitness and nutrition. I feel so alive when I am working out because being active heightens my vitality - it helps everything else fall in place. I am best at helping individuals. My fire is lit when I am in the right mind set - when I am playing Quidditch, practicing yoga, eating good, and focusing on how to help others with how I have been influenced. I want to feel open - vulnerable even - in order to really learn. And with this learning, I want to be able to coach others. 

Can I remember who I was, before the world told me who I should be? I think I am slowly coming back to my roots - I was always told to use my skills in the sciences and be a doctor. Sure, I was good at it, but I did not love it. I have always gone after things that people in my life say I am good at, but I want to go after the thing that not only I am good at, but that I love! I think I have found it now in my true strengths :)

What am I intensely interested in (and moderately)?
     Epiphany moments - when somebody realizes where their true passion lies. Fitness - how to use it to improve well-being. Nutrition - eating right can make you feel more alive and present in life. Relating to people - it is one of personal strengths. Space - so many mysteries to discover and research. Strengths - I want to move away from the mindset of trying to fix weaknesses and playing to strengths! 

I go to the best cocktail party ever. It's a life-changing event because you meet the most with-it, interesting, empowered people, and each of them can contribute to your career and interests in some way...Who was there and how did they help me?

     This is a tough question - I cannot name specifics, but I would want to be surrounded by people who are living lives filled with true passion. Hearing their journeys would be encouraging and helpful.

If I could go to five conferences or events this year, which ones would I go to and why?

     I would like to attend a yoga conference where I could dig deeper into my practice - yoga has changed my life, and I want to know how I can use it in the future to help others. I want to go to a nutrition conference to learn how to start bettering myself first. I would like to attend a conference where Danielle Laporte is or people similar to her because she is so empowering and I want to learn how I can harness that energy. I want to go to an LGBTQ event because it would be empowering!! I also would like to go someplace where I could get away and relax.

What could I talk about late into the night with like-minded people without running of things to say?

     Besides Harry Potter, fantasy, Glee, Digimon, etc, I want to take about what makes people tick. What gets you out of bed in the morning, what makes you who you are from your background, relationships, and present self, and what dreams are going to be a reality. I like to talk about progress but also the present and focusing on well-being.

What activities make me feel really useful, alive, and strong?

     When I am helping my friends and family focus on their passion and strengths through fitness (yoga and Quidditch especially) and just sitting down to talk. When people feel comfortable sharing their inner desires, I feel I can help them harness them and it is then that I feel the most alive!

What do I want to be known for?

     I want to be known as someone who held true to their convictions through good and bad times but was willing to take risks and have opportunities for growth. Furthermore, I want to be known as someone who helped others reach their full potential. I want to be known someone who lived life to the fullest every moment and wasn't afraid to speak my mind. I want to be known as someone who was optimistic and a shining light for others because we all are trying to find our meaning of life.

My life purpose is what I say it is. No one can tell me otherwise. What is that exactly? I want to finish my education and enter a career where I can coach people in health and wellness and achieving lives full of passion!

I Love It Here On The Edge of Unfamiliarity

Let's be real for a moment - today my head has been spinning, partly from being hungover but mostly because of all these feelings I have coursing through my body. Focusing today was a bit of a challenge. I've mentioned before, but about a month ago, this super attractive guy asked me out on a date. To say I was nervous is a huge understatement - silly me. After getting to know him better, I don't just feel a physical connection, but there is also a emotional connection there. I feel so comfortable around him and it happened so quickly. I just feel so good with life right now, and it is in huge part to him!

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Creating Success

     This is kind of how I feel about life lately - I feel good with the general direction of my life, but I don't really know where I am heading exactly. I am about to start a new project with reading The Fire Starter Sessions by Danielle Laporte. I am hoping to learn more about myself - stay tuned! 

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Finding My Personal Path

     I am so fortunate to be surrounded by family and friends that support me and are influential in my life. Everyday I learn something new about myself and what I want in my life. Today, I had the opportunity to have a great chat with Lynn and left with a renewed perspective. What is life without adventure - living on the edge of my comfort zone and escaping the familiar - and taking risks? 

     I have pushed myself more than ever this summer, and I come out feeling so happy with my life! However, this is just the beginning. I want to continue doing daring things and find what makes me feel good. The mantra of Eat, Sleep, Move resonates within me because that is where it starts. I worked out hard this summer, got adequate sleep, and for the most part, took care of my nutrition. Then, I took a few weeks in August where I fell off track, and honestly, I felt awful. My energy levels were depleted - I always felt tired - and my focus was off. In a sense, I closed myself off from living! Once I started regaining control, I felt immediate improvement. 

     I am trying out a new gym this fall called Cross Fit. There was an introductory class I attended this morning, and it pushed me harder then I have in a long while. It is so easy to give up and easy to make excuses not to work out. How often do I hear the excuse that people cannot make time? In reality though, there is time. If you want to improve your life, you will make the time, and excuses will be a thing of the past. You are only hurting yourself with excuses. My perspective has completely changed this summer, and I cannot turn back. The seed that was planted a few weeks ago when I fell off track and felt like shit will continue to grow as I explore.

     I am at a place in my life where my mind is constantly flooded with questions about my future. Hour to hour I can feel different about where my personal path is heading; of course, I want to go to graduate school and obtain a doctoral degree. I am intimidated though and sometimes question if I am going the right way. Applying to graduate school is my most daring adventure right now - I come from a background where even going to college was not talked about. I never even knew what a doctoral degree was until a few years into my education at CMU. I am ready to take the plunge, and if I find down the road I took the wrong path, I can always find a new adventure. Things can be undone, and nothing is set in stone. I am thankful for the encouragement I receive, and I hope that I give the same support to those close to me. 

     Life really is not anything without taking risks, so here is to my adventure of navigating this thing we call life one new experience after another!

Monday, August 19, 2013

The End of Summer "Vacation"

Hard to believe the new school year starts in less than a week - I am still waiting for my break this summer. This summer has been the busiest thus far, and although there was not much vacation time, I am proud of all that I accomplished. I am nervous about being burned out when the semester starts, but it will be a different kind of busy compared to summer. I think now is an appropriate time to reflect and make some affirmations for the future. 

I cannot say enough exceptional things about McNair - it has changed my life thanks to wonderful staff and my cohort. I count all of them among my friends. In particularly, Lynn and Amanda C. have helped me change for the better. Lynn and I have a similarity that our personal strength is being a relator, so I find myself connected to her well. Her go-with-the-flow attitude matches mine, but she helped push me further. Through yoga and focusing on myself, I have made great strides. Amanda has become one of my closest friends. I can always share with her, and she has been there for me through good and bad times this summer. I cannot thank her enough for the impact she has had on me.

Summer has been a rollercoaster ride - my lowest moment was my breakup this summer. Then, there was the stress every now and then of McNair requirements but it did not compare. It took some time and support but I was able to move on because I needed to focus on myself. 

Enough negative - summer has been exceptionally positive! I really got into my yoga practice and now it is a foundation for me. I went kayaking for the first time. I spent time with family camping. I completed my GRE and did well above my goal. I compiled my list of graduate schools: Texas A&M University, University of Houston, and University of Florida. I have nearly finished my research project for the summer. I am a bit intimidated in writing my paper, but I am excited for its completion. I am going to continue research throughout the fall semester for additional analysis and have a stronger paper to submit for publication. One of the most important parts of this summer was being open about being bisexual. I am so comfortable with myself now and have gone on a few dates with a guy which have been awesome! It is so nice to be myself completely.

Once classes start, I want to do well. My goal is to make the Dean's list this semester. I have a personal deadline of October 15 for having all my graduate school materials in. I will be presenting at a national conference in early October! I want to continue working out which will be easy with Quidditch starting up again! I need to stick with getting back on track to better nutrition, and I want to make sure to get adequate sleep so I do not get run down. I am thrilled for the fall semester, but it is hard to believe that senior year is less than a week away. 

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Just Writing Down Some Feels

I find my blog to be the best place to express myself - I never thought writing would be the place for me to do so. I find myself at 2 am in the morning needing to write instead of sleeping! I am a quiet person and definitely more of a listener than a talker. I love being around people but I tend to fall back and not be able to compete when others are talking. I just don't have that sort of voice. So, that is one thing I realize about myself, something I am comfortable with though.

I have also been dealing with a lot of stress in my life. I do not often find myself stressed but when I do, I feel it goes to the extreme. Basically, its all or nothing. I am hoping the stress will dissipate soon.

Also, I got asked on a date tonight by a guy for the first time - I was very flattered, and I said yes! I'm not looking for anything serious, but this is something exciting and new to find myself better.