Sunday, July 28, 2013

This and That

Hard to believe August is almost here! This summer has been one journey I will never forget. I am nearing completion of my first independent research project on bone mineral, less than three weeks away from taking the GRE test, and have my sights set on three graduate schools: Texas A&M University, University of Houston, and University of Florida. I have grown as a person, finally focusing on my own needs which has made a huge difference. Hard to believe it has only been about three months and so much has happened.

On August 26th, senior year will be upon me! I am going to enjoy every minute of my last year at Central because this has become my new home - it will be hard to leave come May. I cannot wait to be back on the pitch playing Quidditch. Summer is so difficult without the opportunity to play. I will be taking classes in Kinesiology and will continue gaining research experience. Most importantly, I will have new adventures and hang out with my friends who have made my time here at Central worthwhile! 

So, one month left of summer! I will be finishing up my research but I will be taking time to enjoy my last Michigan summer for a while I imagine. Listening to country music, finding my way to a beach, and spending time with friends. I don't want to miss out on this special time.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Getting to Read Someone's Mind

If I could have a superhuman ability, I would want to be able to read the minds of people. I am so curious as to what other people are thinking. I didn't get to read minds, but I did get an opportunity to have a friend answer some questions about myself. Hearing what other people think always gives a new perspective which can be helpful.

  1. I think your greatest strength is your calmness and ability to maintain a level head in any situation, no matter how stressful the occasion.
  2. Your style of living is halcyon and go with the flow. I see your style of living as very balanced: you are not messy, but not overly compulsive either. You do the things that make you happy and you do not give them up.
  3. What should you let go of? I am troubled with this question. Yo are so good at going with the flow and not letting things get to you. I think you have a natural tendency to let go of things when they aren't good for you. But, I think you should let go of any possible remaining feelings of guilt from your breakup with Alyssa.
  4. I have never seen you play Quidditch, but I get the feeling that you would be at your best when you are playing the game. I think you are also at your best when you are being a friend and helping someone because you remain calm and strong.
  5. I wish you were less of a "nice" guy for your own sake because it pains you to hurt others, even when yo are doing the best thing for yourself. I get the sense that you would rather be unhappy at time than cause someone else pain.
  6. I have seen you really shine through your writing. It is natural and doesn't seem like you have to try very hard, but when you write it is great! The way you craft your words and how you express your thoughts has always impressed me.
  7. I think you could give yourself more credit for being who you are. I remember you saying that you thought it was your own fault for not finding the right person yet - that there was something wrong with you. It is not your fault and there is nothing wrong with who you are. I believe you need to give yourself more credit for the experiences you have been through and how you have handled them! I am proud of you for coming to terms with who you are and embracing it. You should celebrate your identity - embrace Andrew Derry and shine!

Looking Inside - Getting to Know Myself Better

I have recently taken it upon myself to learn more about myself and be more comfortable, and it just so happened McNair presented an exercise to look further into my own being. Without further ado, I present my all-about-me interview!

  1. Something I know to be certain with every cell of my being is I will make an impact in this world - I don't know exactly how yet, but I know it to be true.
  2. One thing I used to be believe in was Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, etc was real - this has not changed!
  3. I think I know the most about how to relate to other people - finding something in common.
  4. I do what I do because I am passionate and it makes me happy. I want to be happy, so why would I choose otherwise?!
  5. One word: breakthrough. What comes to my mind is my progress with my summer research.
  6. One of the most memorable experiences in my career is playing Quidditch! 
  7. One global policy I would like to decree is everyone should have the same basic rights and not be oppressed based on their differences.
  8. An experience that tested my strength was recently ending a relationship to focus on myself for once. Extremely difficult, I know it will make me a better person.
  9. It's a good day when I go to bed feeling satisfied I did the most I could with my time.
  10. The last time I thought, "Yes! That person has so got it going on!?" was when I discovered Dr. Bloomfield at Texas A&M University with her research. I hope I will be as successful.
  11. One question in my life that has had the biggest impact on me is, "How do I want to feel?" I need to focus on myself before I can really help others.
  12. I am positively addicted to fantasy - it might not be positive at this point because I am so obsessed. 
  13. The best advice I was ever given in terms of business was do what makes you happy. It's my life!
  14. The most common life advice I give to my friends is do what make you happy. 
  15. When I hear the word devotion, I think of passion.
  16. I am most interested in trying new things and gaining life experiences.
  17. I am incredibly grateful for my family and friends.
  18. My form of service to the world is being a good brother, son, friend, etc!

Friday, July 12, 2013


Consider a burning question: what is chronic, inflamed, or repetitive in your life? It is easy to think on the surface, but sometimes you really need to dig deep and be alright with not only being in touch with your feelings but expressing them. It can be difficult and emotional, but it is healthy. I am going to take the difficult route and express what is eating at me - something I have kept inside for a while but finally feel necessary to start being comfortable with.

Since freshman year in high school (over seven years ago now), I have never not been in a relationship for an extended period of time. I have never taken the time to focus on myself but instead always focusing on another. This summer, through the McNair Scholars Program, I have been focusing on my future - graduate schools, preparing for the GRE, gaining research experience, forming new friendships, and networking. I have to admit I am very career focused -  I know where I want to be in ten years or at least the general direction that is researching for NASA or military with abnormal environments and the effects on the human body. The journey ahead is not easy, but it starts now - preparation is key.

Along with future focus through McNair, I took a summer class entitled "The Social Construction of Oppression in the United States." All the information in the class made me so emotional - angry, sad, confused, and happy! The amount people have suffered in a supposedly free country is wrong and unnecessary. People have made progress in the battle for rights, but the road ahead is long. Taking part in the class made me feel empowered because I have the opportunity to make an impact and influence change in society. The class ended naming four emotions that heal: honesty, respect, humility, and co-responsibility. With these, society can change and all individuals can have the same rights.

So, where is this post heading? I recently broke up with my girlfriend that was a tough decision to make but something I had to do for myself. Among a few other reasons, there was one specific that stood out. I needed time to step back and focus on myself, specifically being comfortable with my identity. I have brushed something under the rug for a few years but recently felt empowered to talk about. I identify myself as bisexual. Something I have kept secret for a long time, I finally feel the need to focus on loving who I am. It is unfair that people have to be afraid to be themselves because people in society are not accepting. That is what is enflamed in my life, but through sharing, something I can embrace and accept as part of who I am.