Sunday, July 21, 2013

Looking Inside - Getting to Know Myself Better

I have recently taken it upon myself to learn more about myself and be more comfortable, and it just so happened McNair presented an exercise to look further into my own being. Without further ado, I present my all-about-me interview!

  1. Something I know to be certain with every cell of my being is I will make an impact in this world - I don't know exactly how yet, but I know it to be true.
  2. One thing I used to be believe in was Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, etc was real - this has not changed!
  3. I think I know the most about how to relate to other people - finding something in common.
  4. I do what I do because I am passionate and it makes me happy. I want to be happy, so why would I choose otherwise?!
  5. One word: breakthrough. What comes to my mind is my progress with my summer research.
  6. One of the most memorable experiences in my career is playing Quidditch! 
  7. One global policy I would like to decree is everyone should have the same basic rights and not be oppressed based on their differences.
  8. An experience that tested my strength was recently ending a relationship to focus on myself for once. Extremely difficult, I know it will make me a better person.
  9. It's a good day when I go to bed feeling satisfied I did the most I could with my time.
  10. The last time I thought, "Yes! That person has so got it going on!?" was when I discovered Dr. Bloomfield at Texas A&M University with her research. I hope I will be as successful.
  11. One question in my life that has had the biggest impact on me is, "How do I want to feel?" I need to focus on myself before I can really help others.
  12. I am positively addicted to fantasy - it might not be positive at this point because I am so obsessed. 
  13. The best advice I was ever given in terms of business was do what makes you happy. It's my life!
  14. The most common life advice I give to my friends is do what make you happy. 
  15. When I hear the word devotion, I think of passion.
  16. I am most interested in trying new things and gaining life experiences.
  17. I am incredibly grateful for my family and friends.
  18. My form of service to the world is being a good brother, son, friend, etc!

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