Sunday, May 26, 2013

My Voice

As we trek our path through life, there are two questions that come up: "Who am I?" and "Why am I?" Answering the second question is usually the hardest as we want to know our unique contribution. I still do not know exactly what my purpose is here yet, but I feel like I am closer to an idea. I recently took part in a workshop on strengths and these were my top three:
  1. Relator - enjoy the intimacy of friendships and take the risk of sharing personal details
  2. Self-Assurance - confident in my strengths and abilities and willing to take risks and challenges because I know I can deliver
  3. Significance - want to be recognized 
I have always known that I wanted to make a change in the world for the better and knowing my strengths can help me focus on that goal. What change will I make though? I do not know yet, but I am confident I will know my purpose one day. For now, I am happy with the mystery of life's biggest question.

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